Meals & Misfortune

Memorable meals from my painful past


My name is Dave. My life’s been full of ups and downs, but the downs tend to stick in my brain the way spinach gets stuck in between my upper right molars. My work here is to turn bad memories into slightly more tolerable learning experiences. Yes, those memories of being dumped, fired, and disappointing my father, again. The memories that I tried to bury, that only come out when I’m spiralling down into the deepest pits of self loathing. You know what I found kicks self loathing’s ass? Sugar! Fat! A wedge of lemon directly to the mouth! I stare down my bad experiences head on, learn what I can from reliving the pain, and then coat each memory with the flavor, mouthfeel, and aroma of a delicious treat. I invite you to do the same. DO IT.

These recipes will be familiar if you’ve ever tasted defeat, rage, loneliness, or loss. Through this process of food therapy, you will gain insights into who you actually were, and who you want to become. That’s what I’m doing! So far, I’ve gained eleven pounds, but I am getting closer to finding peace within. Just one more cupcake...